Transcript of Dada Mangal Bihariji’s video interview about Dada Rudrananda Avadhuta was C.B.I informer during Baba Physical Presence
मंगल बिहारी जी का संस्मरण
दो शब्द
गुरुदेव के प्रथम दर्शन के लिए जब जमालपुर पहुँचा तो वहाँ के मैदान में साथ साथ भ्रमण करते हुए पवित्र ताड़ पेड़ों से छिजती चांदनी में मैंने गुरुदेव को साष्टांग प्रणाम व समर्पण किया। उन्होंने कहा “तुम्हारा काम हो गया”। बस यही अमृत-वाक्य मेरे शेष जीवन का पूर्ण संबल व सहारा बन गया। चाहे अपने कनिष्ठपुत्र की असाध्य मानसिक बीमारी सोजोफ्रेनिया’ की संजीदगी हो, चाहे आपात काल में तत्कालीन प्रधानमंत्री की रोष जनित ‘सेवा समाप्ति’ हो या अन्य कोई दुर्घटना या कठिनाई हो इस आशीर्वाद के सहारे मैं सब तकलीफों से बेखरोंच सकुशल बाहर आता गया।
दूसरी घटना सन 1989 की है यह घटना कोलकाता तिलजला की है एक बार बाबा रिपोर्टिंग के दौरान काफी गुस्से होकर बोले कि मार्गी लोग कुछ काम नहीं कर रहे हैं कैसे काम चलेगा। बाबा रुष्ट होकर बोले कि अब मैं यहां नहीं रहूंगा अब मैं लेक गार्डन जा रहा हूं। बाबा चलने को तैयार हो गए और गाड़ी में बैठ गए। सारे wt वर्कर्स बाबा को मनाने में लगे हुए थे लेकिन बाबा किसी का ना सुने । तो फिर जीएस दादा ने मुझे कहा कि आप जाकर बाबा को मनाइए। मैं बाबा की गाड़ी की खिड़की के पास खड़ा हो गया और बाबा मनाने लगाना मत जाइए बाबा। बहुत मिन्नतें करने के बाद बाबा ने कहा कि पहले वचन दो तुम लोग काम करोगे ना ।तो हमने कहा हां बाबा। उसी वक्त बाबा ने कहा कि जो मार्गी लोग अपना पूरा समय संगठन में देंगे उन्हें पूर्व कालीन बंधु कहा जाएगा और जो थोड़ा समय देंगे उन्हें अल्पकालीन बंधु कहा जाएगा। मैंने पूर्व कालीन बंधु के लिए अपना नाम दर्ज करा लिया। हमारे साथ आचार्य प्रतापादित्य जी और अमूल रत्न सारंगी जी ने भी अपना साथ नाम दर्ज कराया। हम लोग तीनों एक ही कमरा में रहते थे। हमें किचन का कार्यभार सौंपा गया एवं आचार्य प्रतापादित्य जी को पब्लिकेशन का कार्यभार सौंपा गया और अमूल रत्न सारंगी जी को एकाउंट्स का कार्यभार सौंपा गया। बाबा को मनाने का मौका उन्हीं की कृपा से मुझे प्राप्त हुआ। मैं तारक ब्रह्म का सानिध्य का सुनहरा पल कभी भूल नहीं पाऊंगा।
पाठकवृन्द इन अनुभवों व विचारों को पढ़कर आनन्द मार्ग के कल्याण-पथ की ओर आकर्षित होंगे और अन्ततः उनका भी काम हो जाएगा अर्थात मनुष्य जीवन चरितार्थ हो जाएगा।
गुरुदेव का दासानुदास
मंगल बिहारी
दादा मंगल बिहारीजी के दादा रुद्रानंद अवधूत के बारे में वीडियो का संक्षिप्त संकलन
तीसरी घटना का संक्षिप्त विवरण इसलिए दे रहा हूं भविष्य में लोग अपने घर के दुश्मन को पहचान सके जिन्होंने बाबा की भौतिक शरीर की उपस्थिति के समय C.B.I के साथ मिलकर काम किया था जो आज भी संगठन में है
जब आपातकाल के दौरान आनंद मार्ग पर प्रतिबंध लगा दिया गया था, तब वह मुझे दंडित करने के लिए पर्याप्त बुद्धिमान थीं, और मैं आनंद मार्ग का सदस्य था, और इसलिए आरोप यह था कि मैं एक सक्रिय आनंद मार्गी था और मैंने आनंद मार्ग की विभिन्न तरीकों से मदद की थी। इसके विकास के चरण – यही आरोप था।
और यह देखने के लिए कि उस आरोप की सामग्री क्या है, मुझे फाइलें दिखाई गईं – सीबीआई फाइलें, आईबी फाइलें, खुफिया फाइलें – सभी फाइलें जो वहां थीं। मैं उनका पूरी तरह से निरीक्षण करने के लिए स्वतंत्र था और इस प्रकार मुझे पता चला कि आनंद मार्ग के खिलाफ किसने रिपोर्ट की थी, जिन्होंने विशेष दादा, विशेष संन्यासियों के खिलाफ रिपोर्ट की थी और किसने मेरे या मेरे बेटे के खिलाफ रिपोर्ट की थी। मैंने उन्हें खुद उन फाइलों में देखा जिन्हें मुझे देखने की इजाजत थी क्योंकि मैं शाह आयोग का शिकायतकर्ता था और वहां मुझे पता चला कि
रुद्रानंद इन मुखबिरों में से एक थे और वे प्रमुख संन्यासियों के नाम देते थे
प्रमुख मार्गी जो आनंद मार्ग के तथाकथित स्तंभ हैं। तो मैं उस समय उसे देखने आया था, लेकिन उसके बाद मैं वापस आ गया। मेरे पास मेरा पद था और मैं हमेशा की तरह आनंद मार्ग में फिर से शामिल हो गया और काम करना शुरू कर दिया
इसके लिए, लेकिन मैंने यह कभी नहीं बताया कि मैंने फाइलें देखी हैं और मैंने नाम देखे हैं क्योंकि आप जानते हैं कि बाबा ने कहा है, “हर चीज के उज्ज्वल पक्ष को देखो”, तो मैंने कहा कि ठीक है, बाबा सब कुछ जानते हैं, मैं क्यों करूं किसी को भी सूचित करें कि आनंद मार्ग का दुश्मन कौन है और वह सब कौन है।
एक बार कोलकाता तिलाजिला में रुद्रानंद जी ने मुझे ((मंगल बिहारी)शांत भाव से कहा कि तुम निश्चय ही भले आदमी हो क्योंकि कलकत्ता में तुमने विजयानंद जी से मेरा बचाव किया था। विजयानंद जी, आप जानते हैं, कलकत्ता में एक शीर्ष अवधूत थे। वह सभी प्रकाशन कार्य कर रहे थे और उन्होंने किसी समय सूचित किया था कि रुद्रानंद जी सीबीआई के एजेंट हैं और मैंने यह कहकर विरोध किया था कि सीबीआई किसी एजेंट को नहीं रखती है, सीबीआई, रुद्रानंद एजेंट नहीं है। वैसे भी यह एक संक्षिप्त विवरण था जिसने रुद्रानंद को बहुत प्रसन्न किया। और उन्होंने कहा कि आप बहुत अच्छे थे, आपने विजयानंद जी के सामने मेरा बचाव किया। मैंने कहा कि मैंने आपका बचाव नहीं किया मैंने केवल उसे सही किया कि सीबीआई के पास एजेंट नहीं हैं, इसमें केवल मुखबिर हैं और आप एजेंट नहीं हैं बल्कि आप सीबीआई के मुखबिर हैं। उन्होंने कहा कि आप यह कैसे जानते हैं? मैंने कहा कि मैंने खुद फाइलें देखी हैं, जो आपातकाल के दौरान मुखबिर बन गई थीं और कई लोगों को फंसाया था।
वैसे भी वह बहुत परेशान हुआ और मैंने उसे पहले उसे बताया और फिर क्योंकि यहाँ और भी लोग थे। खबर लीक हो गई और ईमेल और अन्य चैनलों के माध्यम से यह ज्ञात हो गया कि मैंने रुद्रानंद को सीबीआई के मुखबिर के रूप में दोषी ठहराया है। इसके सार्वजनिक होने के बाद और इस विषय के जानकार होने के बाद, बहुत से लोग जो आए, उन्होंने मुझसे इसके बारे में पूछा और मैंने उन्हें बताया कि मैं इसके बारे में क्या जानता हूं, लेकिन यह एक संगठित तरीके से एक प्रेस कॉन्फ्रेंस या एक तरह की तरह नहीं था। संगोष्ठी या कुछ भी। यह अनुरोध पर बातचीत पर व्यक्तियों को सूचित किया गया था। यह वास्तव में एक फाइल थी जो आनंद मार्ग की शिकायतों से संबंधित थी। उस फाइल में मैंने कई नाम देखे जिनमें रुद्रानंद नहीं बल्कि उनका लोकिक नाम आरएन शर्मा या कुछ और, आरएन पांडे, लोकिक नाम, और साथ में
उनका नाम और उनके खिलाफ रिपोर्ट, उनके खिलाफ रिपोर्ट नहीं बल्कि उनके पक्ष में रिपोर्ट, ऐसे अन्य नाम थे जो मुझे लगता है कि मुझे अब याद नहीं है क्योंकि यह 1977 में शाह आयोग था।
बाबा सभी जानते हैं। प्रश्न उठता है कि अंतर्यामी गुरुदेव ने इस ( रूद्रानंद ) अपने जीवन काल में ही संगठन से क्योंनहीं निकाल फेके? दरअसल गुरुदेव के शब्दकोश में निष्कासन नामक कोई शब्द है ही नहीं सारा विश्व ब्रह्मांड उनका अपना दरबार है।
गुरुदेव का दासानुदास
मंगल बिहारी
Transcript of Dada Mangal Bihariji’s video interview about Dada Rudranand Avadhuta
Mangal Bihari: The janta government came into power and during the janta government anybody who had suffered during emergency became a hero and I was also a hero and I was given the most prestigious posts thereafter because as I was considered as one who could stand these oppression and depression for politicians for the sake of the country so I got best postings.
The janta government after its installation instituted a Commission — National Commission which is called as Shah Commission. This Commission was to inquire into excesses during emergency and to suggest remedies against those excesses. I applied to the Shah Commission that I was tortured during emergency — not paid; I had no post; I was asked to vacate my government bungalow. I was insulted, humiliated and isolated.
So, I approached the Shah Commission. Shah Commission was like a judicial body. It was like a High Court judge also … the ex-Supreme Court judge, Justice Shah. was the head of the shah commission. He was a very respectable man all over the country and our judicial system allows anybody who’s a complainant to see all the files wherein adverse notes or adverse records against him are there. So when I appeared before the Sah commission I was asked to inspect the files and to counter the charges that were in official files against me and during the process I was especially helped by an indian police service officer, who was from Rajasthan cadre, mr. ML sharma, to be very specific.
And he not only showed me the files which were concerning me but he also showed me the files which were concerning Anand Marga because I was really supposed to be punished for being a member of the Anand Marga. Indira Gandhi did not punish me because I did not send labour to her rally. That was you kno. She was intelligent enough to punish me when Anand Marga had been banned during the emergency, and I was a member of the Anand Marga, and therefore the charge was that I was an active Anand Margii and that I helped Anand Marga in various ways in various stages of its development — that was the charge.
And in order to see what is the content of that charge, I was shown the files — CBI files, IB files, intelligence files — all files that were there. I was free to inspect them totally and thus I came to know who had reported against Anand Marga, who had reported against particular dadas, particular sannyasis and who had reported against me or my son. I saw them myself in the files that I was allowed to see because I was a complainant to the Shah Commission and there I discovered that
Rudrananda was one of these informers and he used to give the names of prominent sannyasis and
prominent margiis who are so-called pillars of Ananda marga. So I came to see that at that time, but thereafter I came back. I had my post and I joined again Anand Marga as usual and began to work
for it, but I never let it out that I have seen files and I have seen names because you know Baba has said, “Look at the bright side of everything”, so I said that all right, Baba knows everything, why should I inform anybody as to who is Ananda Marga’s enemy and who is all that. Baba knows
everything and once in Baba’s presence one forgets to take a small revengeful or small, you know, anti personal activities. I did not tell anybody, except in private conversation with somebody I used to say that there are enemies of the Marga within the organization who had brought the organization to crisis during emergency and on whose complaints Baba was …. and whose complaints many many Avadhutas were arrested and there were many many Margiis in trouble because they were proceeded against by Margiis themselves.
There were many names not only Rudranand, but there was one Ujjawal from Bihar, Bhagalpur. There was another person from Bhagalpur whose name I forget but he was the brother of Prakashanand and like that you know that it is a long list. There were many people who had falsely reported , falsely implicated many people so that they could be in trouble and you know that in those days, pre-emergency days, there were elections in Bihar and I was approached by some friends including Acharya Raghunath ji, who was President of Anand Marga and who was in charge of Samaj movement. He asked me he has asked some candidates to stand from Bihar and there will be some financial requirements for them.
So this Ujjawal and that another man. I used to send money to Raghunath ji for helping those candidates in their elections. Two such drafts which were prepared by Punjab National Bank near
my office, that they were on official records, and this man really used to come to me and he would, and I would, you know that in my ignorance and in my I used to say that please this is the money you go to the Punjab National Bank and get a draft prepared so that can send. So he knew exactly what was the amount, what was the date and what was where it was sent. Those were very specific charges against me, but they were not by Rudranand, they were by other people, but anyway the Shah Commission discovered that I had been maltreated, that I’d been illegally removed from service and all my salary, all back arrears, all my back seniority were well-restored, and as you know, thereafter, I occupied the highest of the positions in government of India and government of Rajasthan. So that was the manner and the method and the occasions when I happened to see the files and the names of people who were working against me and against Anand Marga.
Interviewer: How big is this report? hHw big was it? Was it like many volumes or many pages that you looked through everything or only particular parts you were given insight into? Like the report
itself how big is it? Is it like one big book or many books …?
Mangal Bihari: It was many, many files. You know that the government has a system of maintaining files on every small subject or sub-subject so there were many files files — files regional, files topical, files on particular issues and they were many files. I must have examined at least six to ten files and I must have seen several names, several occasions, several reports. My own acharya Lalan also had given a long report against me. He had said that this man is a pillar of Ananda Marga and if he is allowed to work while occupying high posts, them Ananda Marga will remain strong in these areas and those areas. There were many, there were others from Rajasthan and there were others from Bihar, and many places, who had personally complained against me and who had, not the same person, but another who had complained against Ananda Marga, against its activities falsely implicating Ananda Marga into violent activities, falsely implicating Anand Marga into anti-national activities, falsely implicating Ananda Marga into several things, which if they could prove them, Ananda Marga would have been destroyed forever. So it was a web of conspiracy, a web of falsehood, a web of little mindedness the web of small benefits with many of these people who were feeding the government were allowed small post in this government or in that corporation. Even now there are many of these people are occupying influential or small posts. Even private industries were asked to employ them on small post so they lost nothing really. They did not remain sanyasi, but they became clerks and there, I think that some of them are retired and some of them may still be serving.
So this is the allurement which CBI and government offered them for giving information or for charging Anand Marga in various ways. So I had not, I had not told people or publicly gone into some kind of a public information office, because I thought that Baba knows everything and if somebody has done something wrong, then Baba will take care of it. Why should I?
Interviewer: what about after Mahaprayan?
Mangal Bihari: But then one fine morning I found that when I was returning from my native place, Kota, I found that 4-5 people were sitting here in my room, including Rudranand ji , Nigmanand ji, Nirmohanand ji, and one from Jaipur, PC sharma and other.
I was surprised, happily surprised, ….. but Why didn’t you inform me otherwise I would have come earlier. Anyway, after introductory talk, Nigmanada started attacking me that you are working against us, that you are not cooperating with the organizational wing and you are with our enemies, anyway I gave them my reply, the substance of it was that you have not inherited that post. Why don’t you ask for a change and create more peace in the organization? Why, why should you stick to something which is controversial and all that ? Why don’t you withdraw, ask for a quiet posting in some master unit or somewhere you do sadhana and not politics?
He felt very angry. Then Rudranandji acquired peaceful manner said that you are definitely a good man because in Calcutta you had defended me against Vijayanand ji. Vijayanand ji was, you know, was a top Avadhuta in Calcutta. He was doing all publication work and he at some moment had informed that Rudranand ji is the agent of CBI and I had opposed that saying that CBI does not maintain any agent, CBI, Rudranand is not an agent of. Anyway it was a brief which pleased Rudranand very much. And he said that you were very good, you defended me before Vijayanand ji. I said I did not defend you I only corrected him that CBI does not have agents, it has only informers and that you are not an agent but you are an informer of CBI. He said how do you know that? I said I had seen the files myself, that had become an informer during emergency and implicated many people.
Anyway he felt very much upset and I told it before him, to him and then as there were more people here. the news leaked out and through emails and through other channels it became known that I have blamed Rudranand as an informer of CBI. After it became public and after I came to be knowledgeable on the subject, many people who came they asked me about it and I did tell them what I know about it, but it was not in an organized way like a press conference or like a seminar or anything. It was communicated to individuals on conversation on request. It was really a file which was concerning complaints of Ananda Marga. In that file I saw several names including that of not Rudranand but his laokik name RN Sharma or something, RN Pandey, loakik name, and along with
his name and reports against, not reports against but reports in his favour, there were other names which I think I don’t remember now because it was in 1977 that shah commission