
PROUT TV working in association with  Prout Welfare Foundation and R.U.(Renaissance Universal) is organising multiple activities and competitions at Jamshedpur, Jharkhand for lower and higher classes in followings:

1. English & Hindi Elocution Contest
2. Choral Recitation Contest
3. Art Competition

We are organizing these events with a vision to provide opportunity to students to develop Analytical Thinking, Rational Decision Making Ability, Confidence Building and Public Speaking Skills etc. for the allround development and improving their personalities.

Contact for 
Google Form Registration :- 9973480810
It’s mandatory that students should represent themselves in their school uniform.
Contest will be held in Following Categories:
Topic: English / Hindi Elocution
GROUP-A: Class 5 to Class 8
Attempt any one of following

1. Value of education
2. Self discipline and its importance
3. Unity is the strength
4.It is the Action, that makes a man great.
(Time Limit : 2-3 Minute)
GROUP-B: Class 9 to Class 12
Attempt any one of following
1. Importance of morality in politics
2. Success by means or success with moral values?
3. Is ongoing education policy beneficial or just a factory to create degree holders?
4. Economic Democracy
(Time Limit : 2-3 Minute)GROUP-C: Graduate and above
Attempt any one of following
1. Problems faced by society today is due to the lack of morality and rationality.
2. World economy is heading towards recession. Is capitalism capable of solving it?
3. Is commercialisation of art justified?
4. Value of Human Rights
(Time Limit : 2-3 Minute)

भाषण  प्रतियोगिता का विषय

GROUP-A: कक्षा 5 से कक्षा 8

1. शिक्षा का मूल्य
2. आत्म अनुशासन और उसका महत्व
3. एकता में ही बल है
4. कर्म ही मनुष्य को महान बनाता है
(समय सीमा: 2-3 Minute)

GROUP-B: कक्षा 9 से कक्षा 12

1. राजनीति में नैतिकता का महत्व
2. नैतिक मूल्य के साथ सफलता पर प्रकाश डालें
3. वर्तमान शिक्षा नीति उपयोगी है या सिर्फ डिग्री धारक बनाने का कारखाना मात्र है
4. आर्थिक लोकतंत्र
(समय सीमा: 2-3 Minute)

GROUP-C: स्नातक / Graduate

1. आज समाज में मनुष्य की जो भी समस्याएं हैं उसका मूल कारण है नैतिकता और विवेक का अभाव
2. विश्व आर्थिक मंदी की ओर बढ़ रहा है। क्या पूंजीवाद समस्या का समाधान करने में सक्षम है?
3. क्या कला का व्यवसायीकरण उचित है?
4. मानवाधिकार का महत्व
(समय सीमा:- 2-3 Minute)

Judgement will be in the light of :
1. Speech delivered                                  10
2. Effectiveness                                        10
(Purpose Achieved, Interest)
3. Speech Value (Idea, Logic &
Orginal thought )                                       10
4. Physical (Appearance, Body
Language, Speaking Area)                       10
5. Voice (Flexibility, Volume)                    10
6. Correctness (Grammer, Selection)      10
Topic for Choral Recitation
Group A: Class 5 to Class 8
1) Scarcity and choice
2) Rising through adversity
3) Money vs knowledge
4) Social media Good or Bad
5) God and Nature
कोरल सस्वर के लिए विषय

Group A: कक्षा 5 से कक्षा 8
1) अभाव और विकल्प
2) विपरीत परिस्थितियों से उठना
3) पैसा बनाम ज्ञान
4) सोशल मीडिया- अच्छा या बुरा
5) ईश्वर और प्रकृति
Art Competition
Students are requested to bring their own paint and colours. Sheets will be provided on the spot.
Judgement based upon the following criteria:
1. Creativity and originality
2. Quality and execution
3. Adherence to the Theme
4. Overall impression
Topic for Art Competition
Group A:  Class 2 to Class 4
1. Your Favourite Fruit
2. My Sweet home
3. Going to School on Rainy season
4. Save treesGroup B: Class 5 to Class 81. Nature’s Beauty
2. Say no to Drugs
3. Accident is Painful & Safety is Gainful
4. Save Earth Save lifeGroup C : Class 9 to Class 12
1. Space & Science
2. Amrit Mahotsav
3. Yoga & Health
4. Sunset Scenery
Procedures to be Followed:
For all the participants of English / Hindi Elocution, Choral Recitation and Art Competition
Fill the Given Google Form to Register and upload the Xerox Copy of your personal information with school diary first page / ID proof
Google Form Registration:-  9973480810
1. Registration Fee for Hindi / 
    English Elocution  :                                100/-
2. Registration Fee for 
    Choral Recitation(each participant) : 100/-
3. Registration Fee for Art Contest:       150/-
Last date for Google Form Submission for Art Competition:-                     1.10.2022
Date of Art Competition : 16.10.2022
Time : 8:30 AM
Venue : Sangeet Samaj,Near Ring Road, Telco Jamshedpur-831004
Last date of Google Form 
Submission of English/Hindi Elocution & Choral Recitation :       7.10.2022
Date of Elocution and Choral Recitation Contest :  16.10.2022
Time :           3:00 PM
Venue : Sangeet Samaj, Near Ring Road, Telco, Jamshedpur- 831004